Based on the old English Sussex Mummers Carol, Zaninelli artfully combines original and traditional melodic elements to produce an exciting modern version of...
A unique incorporation of Brazilian dance rhythms into a work designed to emulate Bartok's music for a composition class. A truly one of a kind marimba solo....
Remembering Greg is an even eighth-note ballad, challenging players to play and shape through long phrases.Program NotesRemembering Greg was written in memory...
Remembering a Friend was composed in memory of Leading Seaman Colin Hughes, Royal Australian Navy, who was tragically taken from us in September 2012 whilst on...
You’ll hear the emotion in this piece from start to finish. A wonderful opportunity awaits to improve your student’s musicianship with this Gary Fagan piece....
Remembrance is a beautiful chorale prelude based on the hymn 'It Is Well With My Soul.' The evocative sounds of quiet tenor and bass drums open mysteriously,...
for 13 Percussionists
Remnants is a challenging work for percussion orchestra that explores the many timbres achievable in a conventional large ensemble setup...
A Seasonal Medley
Renaissance Carols is a lovely medley of carols from the 1500s arranged for marimba quartet includes "I Saw Three Ships," "God Rest Ye Merry...
Dennis presents several contrasting "dance" sections. The opening is a bright and spirited 2/4 while the next section is smooth and flowing in 3/4. It is tied...