Star-Fall Dances is a wonderfully challenging and showy addition to the repertoire. The single-movement work consists of an introduction and four distinct...
In the freely-composed State of the Art, numerous innovative techniques are employed on the part of both performers, such as bending pitches, striking the...
Based on the poetry of StoryPeople creator Brian Andreas, Strange Dreams illustrates each of four unique stories – Unheard Music, Ballerina Mom, Mermaid Song...
McCarthy's virtuosically programmatic work for woodwind quintet tell the tragic tale of hardship experienced by the Donner party in their journey from Illinois...
Winner of the 2001 Delius Composition Contest, Time… is a setting of five poems from the writings of Kim Rich.Program NotesWinner of the 2001 Delius...
Originally written for vibraphone and two marimbas, Trio Passacaglia is based on a repeated four-note motive in the tuba, which is subsequently embellished....
Commissioned for performance at the 2016 Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic, Twitch is a driving, 6-minute showpiece for solo B-flat clarinet and band, which...
Two Moods for Clarinet & Marimba features a constant blending and interaction between the two instruments. The two movements/moods imitate characteristic...
This unique arrangement of the beautiful & haunting Christmas favorite The Wexford Carol allows you to feature either a singer (mezzo soprano or soprano)...
A three-movement ode to American radio, Wooden Triptych constantly "flips" through and combines a variety of musical genres in a way listeners are sure to...